
Practice Yoga Often - Faites du yoga

Texte en anglais suivi du texte en français. A regular yoga practice will help prevent a heart attack. Make sure to tell your teacher about your health condition. Besides going to yoga class, once you know a few positions well enough, it is good to practice daily at home for a few minutes (or more!) . Une pratique régulière du yoga réduit le risque de crise cardiaque.  Prenez soin de faire part de votre état de santé à votre professeur. En plus d'assister aux cours de yoga, lorsque vous connaîtrez assez bien quelques postures, il sera bon de pratiquer chaque jour à la maison quelques minutes (ou plus!). Sources: Disclaimer: there are so many!  I will not dedicate time to quote them. (If you do not trust an information is accurate, by all means go and check!) I will just pick a couple of sources and copy paste their url rather than quoting them properly. I am not in the office, after all! Avis: il y a tellement de sources! Je ne vais pas prendre le temps de les citer. (

About - A propos

Texte en anglais suivi du texte en français.  Yesterday my Mom told me that she had a silent heart attack. She waited to tell me in person but it happened last month. She is doing well, thankfully. I guess some would have sent a giant card to remind her that her heart is most precious to us (note for self: sounds like a good idea), however I went to look for information on prevention. My mother is taking prescription medicines and has regular appointments with her doc. The obvious: control your weight, do not smoke, limit your alcohol intake, keep a balanced diet, practice low-intensity sports often, had been covered by her doc. This is the basis. But there is more you can do to prevent a heart attack, and I will use this blog to summarize relevant information I find. Hier ma mère m'a dit qu'elle avait eu un infarctus silencieux. Elle a attendu pour me le dire en personne mais c'est arrivé le mois dernier. Heureusement, elle va bien. Certains auraient envoyé une car